pahiles: Freedom
Location: canton, Ohio, United States

i am a fun, thoughtful, loving, goofy, and sometimes annoying, british christian man that lives in Canton,OH.

Monday, April 25, 2005


As a non-citizen living in this country, I think I have pretty good life. I get a monthly stipend, housing assistance, medical payment assistance, public housing, and various government grants to help fund my education. I also have the right to choose and follow any religion, lifestyle, and political affiliation that I want to. Within sensible reason, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, for whatever reason I want! Heck, I can even listen to tom Jones, if I want to! I thank GOD for these freedoms because there are countries where I would not have these freedoms and would severely punished and/or killed if I ever tried to exercise them! Imagine being beaten to death because of the religion that you follow! Imagine not being allowed to draw water from a well without someone's permission because of the fact that you are poor! We need to be thankful of the freedoms we have and be mindful of the fact that we could lose them at any time! We need to get involved in our society if we want to change it! If there's a law you don't agree with or a presidential candidate that you don't like, get out and vote! If you want to keep the right to free speech, speak and make yourself heard! You can say what you want about America, just be sure to thank God for the freedom to say it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So P-Man, does this mean you are going to become a citizen of our country so that you can become involved as you state we should do? Or are you just wanting to tell us what to do and lecture us? :)

Miche Britts...sheesh! ;)

April 26, 2005  

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