Every once in a while, god intersects our lives with people and/or events that are meant to inspire us. Such was the case for me the other day. While I was in the new walmart (yes, I occasionally shop at walmart!), I bumped into a terrific lady of whom I hadn't seen in the last few years. What makes this lady so terrific is the fact that she had the courage to escape from an abusive relationship with her husband. Her husband not only physically abused her, but made her suffer through mental abuse as well as the abuse of her children. When he put her in the hospital, he went to the hospital to finish the job that he had started. Since leaving him, she has completely reworked her life! She is active in her new church home, moving into a new house, and is the happiest person that I have seen her be in the years that I have known her. It is people like this person who inspire me to live the best life that I can to honor my God. Who or what inspires you in your life? Please feel free to let me know! I would love to know what you think!
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